
big update. summer time.

long long time again since my last post. lots has changed. Im done with uni for the summer. I  quit my job to have a fun summer. Ive made lots of new friends and been to new places. Im in love with everywhere that isnt home and everyone that is new. I dont want to stay here any longer. I now need to get away. Cant wait for the last year of uni to be over! Photographically I have been shooting on and off. Shot some photos of a drifting event a few weeks back but the most interesting image from the day was at lunch time...

Festival season is now here and i have just come back from the 1st of many. Beach break live in wales. good weather, good people and good music. got a few shots im happy with including this one. 

just before breaking up for summer I shot a portrait project in which i had to capture more than just a face, but to capture some personality of the subject. I was very happy with the outcome of the shoot. A select few of the final shots...


And a very long while ago now I shot some photos with a friend who was back from uni for a week. we just experimented with light and clothing, nothing special but got some really good results that I am happy with.

I am very much intrigued by using natural light at the moment and havnt even looked at my flash gun for months. I have had a bit of a block for a while as well as being busy. 
Summer is here and I am hoping it brings inspiration along with the sunshine!

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